Saturday, October 24, 2009

I'm coming undone

Have you ever looked in the mirror and realized you don't like the person staring back at you? Not because of silly physical imperfections, but because you hate what you look like on the inside. I used to like me, but somewhere on this rollercoaster ride called my life, I turned into this cold hearted, manipulative person. I'm so ashamed of the way I've treated people. I wish I could go back in time and pinpoint that moment when almost everything about me changed; when I stopped caring, when I stopped believing, and when I stopped being happy.

This past year I've made so many mistakes and committed so many unspeakable sins that are resulting in my downfall. I wish I could start over and do everything right, but of course I can't, I can only go forward. Unfortunately, I don't know where 'forward' will lead. I'm terrified. The tracks for this train are running out and I'm not prepared for the crash.


Unknown said...

silly girl! you're just having a hard time growing up. you have NO EXCUSE to not love yourself. along the way, you will learn that loving yourself through mistakes, losses, and bad emotions is a big key to staying happy and well. good luck gaining insight and improving your universe.

Anonymous said...

Are you perfect? No. You're just doing something we all have to do...growing up. You're figuring out who you are and hopefully you'll make the right choices in the future. I'm glad that you realize and own up to the mistakes you've made, you're braver than a lot of others.