I'm very experimental when it comes to my hair. I'm also a product junkie which has a negative effect on my bank account. When I was younger, people would always comment on my long beautiful hair. Over the years I've become obsessed with having great hair. I've dyed my hair so many times I'm surprised it hasn't given up on me and decided to fall out. I don't even want to think about the various haircuts I've had. I'm actually going through a bad hair cycle right now. About three weeks ago I got this really cute bob and red tints. It looked great but now it's growing out and the front is growing faster than the back. Now I'm stuck with a jacked up Sasuke
hair style. Not a good look. I unfortunately also have to straighten my hair everyday because it doesn't look cute curly at it's current length. So now I'm determined to grow my hair back out so I can go back to rocking my big, curly hair.